Friday, January 21, 2011

Even more snow!

It looks like we got 7 more inches last night. Good thing it's light and fluffy! Had to broom off the car and shovel the drive for hubby around 8 AM, and the plow hadn't even gone down our road yet! (You know you live in the sticks when the plows don't visit!) Fed the chickens, and they went right back into the coops to stay warm. Wild birds are flocking around the feeders now, to pick off the leftovers. Cardinals, woodpeckers, juncos, blue jays, chickadees, all sorts. Poor little half-frozen things! It must be so hard to find food when everything's buried under snow! I put some pics up on our facebook page, here are a few to share with you...

1> Old door on the carriage house...soon to be our farm store!
2> New barn stalls in the old barn next door, where our angus calves live until spring!
3> Our ducks enjoying their new haybale/twig shelter.
4> My pet bantam chickens...tiny and so so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for red barns!! I love Bantams. They are so cute. We had some on the farm I grew up on.
